
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Getting ready for show season 2014!

I don't participate in handmade craft shows all year - only at the end near Holiday season. This year is no exception. I am signed up for 5 shows! I find it exciting and motivating to prepare for these shows except that my larger bags are definitely not show items. Which means I need to make smaller items with lower price points for those searching for smaller gift items.

The most challenging and difficult part of what I do (for me personally) is deciding what to make. You can invest a lot of time and materials into making a huge quantity of a certain item only to find out it's simply not what people are looking for. I haven't had too many failures in the past as I tend to stick to items that are always needed: cosmetic bags, wallets, eco snack bags. The only huge failures I've had is bringing large bags ONLY. Huge mistake! People rarely gift someone with an expensive bag.

This year I'm going to bring my usual small items but I'm also going to attempt to bring a selection of smaller bags made from my Camellia cross body bag pattern. This pattern is definitely my best seller and I'm hoping that it will entice a few customers at my shows. I wanted to order some new fabrics to make these bags and this is what showed up at my door yesterday:

I know it's hard to tell from the photo but most of them coordinate nicely with the most popular neutral colours: brown, grey or black. I will be using only faux leather for these bags. I am noticing a trend in non-leather bags at the moment so I ordered a few new rolls of faux leather in the most popular basic colours. I'll make sure to post photos of the bags once they are done - probably early next week!